
Course Level:Undergraduate
Next Start Date: October 2024
Duration: 3 Years
Campus Location: ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½, Milton Keynes
Attendance: Block delivery
UCAS Code:Pending

About the course

This flexible Foundation degree allows you to study part-time while working in business or management. So you can keep earning as you achieve a higher education qualification which builds on your work experience.

The course develops your knowledge of people, marketing, financial and operations management as well as developing your own management skills, with an emphasis on work-based learning so you can immediately apply theory to practice.

Areas of study may include accounting for business; business management; marketing; intercultural management; and sustainability in business. The course also covers entrepreneurship and setting up a new business - ideal if your ambition is to set up on your own.

Why choose this course?
  • Learn one day a week, allowing you to manage your time and finances while achieving a higher education qualification
  • Benefit from a degree which builds on your current work experience and enables you to apply your learning in your organisation immediately
  • Gain business skills in decision-making; data and financial analysis; and problem-solving
  • Develop sought-after transferable skills in areas such as problem solving, research and communication
  • Gain from the opportunity to work independently on a final-year project in an area of interest

This course is part of a wider portfolio of Business Management degrees, all of which commence by building a solid foundation in the core principles of business and management. However, we understand that the choice can be daunting, and so, we’ve designed our courses with flexibility in mind, allowing students on this programme the ability to switch to any of the Business Management pathways (with the exception of Business Management with Law) at the end of their first year.

Course Leader - Jane Hooper

I currently teach career planning and management units on the Foundation Degree course in Business Management and BA (Hons) Business Studies.

Before joining the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ in 2016, I held management positions in the Further Education sector. I have extensive and varied teaching experience and an interest in linking real-world experiences with theory to provide academic and employability progression.

Find out more about Jane Hooper
The campus where this course is taught


  • Accounting For Business (AAF016-1) Compulsory
  • Foundations Of Business Management (BBS013-1) Compulsory
  • Introduction To Academic ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ And Work-Integrated Learning In Business Management (BSS007-1) Compulsory
  • Principles Of Marketing (MAR001-1) Compulsory
  • Working In The Business Environment (BBS008-1) Compulsory
  • Applied Management (BBS012-2) Compulsory
  • Intercultural Management In Business (MAR015-2) Compulsory
  • Management Project (BSS026-2) Compulsory
  • Operations And Project Management (BBS011-2) Compulsory
  • Small Business Planning And Entrepreneurship (BBS006-2) Compulsory
  • Sustainable Business Management (BSS017-2) Compulsory

The course uses a range of assessment types and methods, as appropriate, to ensure the validity and fairness of assessment. Formative assessment is used to provide feedback to you to support your progress, and diagnostic assessment is used to assess your current knowledge or skills. Summative assessment for most units includes a combination of coursework and tests or examination. Most units include elements of individual and group activity to reflect the type of work undertaken in business and management. Coursework is mainly individually assessed and focuses on tasks which develop vocational skills, underpinned by subject knowledge, requiring higher levels of cognition in the later years of the course. Assessment takes a variety of forms, including essays and reports, portfolios, presentations, research proposals and exams. Where possible and relevant, assessments are rooted in authentic and practical workplace scenarios to enable work related learning. All coursework has an assignment specification, with grading criteria, which is issued to you, normally at the beginning of the year, but at least 3 weeks prior to the deadline. All marked work is returned to you following the university guidelines, with written on-line feedback, including advising you on how you can improve your work next time. All coursework submitted is subject to university procedures for the detection of plagiarism.

Entry Requirements

A Foundation Degree will be of particular interest if you have completed a Modern Apprenticeship, vocational A levels, BTEC National or equivalent.

Foundation Degrees are also particularly suitable if you want to qualify while working.

As a guideline, a typical offer would require you to obtain a UCAS tariff score of between 32-48 points, based on your level 3 studies.

You can work out how many UCAS points your qualifications are worth with the

Many students studying for foundation degrees come to us through work-based routes so you can apply for a foundation degree even if you don't have traditional academic qualifications.

We welcome applicants with relevant work experience.

Contact the Admissions Team for additional guidance on whether the qualifications you currently hold or are taking would be suitable for entry.

T: +44 (0)1582 743500
E: admission@beds.ac.uk

  • Appropriate work placement/paid employment to be in place for when the course starts

Students will be expected to be working for a minimum of 14 hours per week normally, which can include paid employment, voluntary work and/or internship.

Applicants without the formal standard entry requirements but who have significant experience in an appropriate management role may be considered if their experience and training can be demonstrated (through a combination of RPL and RPEL) to be equivalent to the `standard entry requirements.

On completing the course, you can use your skills in areas such as accounting; marketing; human resources; e-business; operations/project management; and general management. You also have the entrepreneurial knowledge and skills you need to start your own business.

You may also like to complete your studies to full Honour’s degree level by taking on a ‘top-up’ degree in a related subject.


Fees and Funding

The full-time standard fee for a Foundation Degree for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £9,250. These are the full course fees covering each year of study.

Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email admission@beds.ac.uk

International students cannot apply for Foundation Degrees.

Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email admission@beds.ac.uk

Fees and Funding

The full-time standard fee for a Foundation Degree for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £9,250. These are the full course fees covering each year of study.

Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email admission@beds.ac.uk

International students cannot apply for Foundation Degrees.

Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email admission@beds.ac.uk

Extra Costs

Find out more about additional costs while studying at Bedfordshire. Click here.

How to Apply

The full-time standard fee for a Foundation Degree for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £9,250. These are the full course fees covering each year of study.

Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email admission@beds.ac.uk

Application for this undergraduate course is direct to the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½.

Please contact admission@beds.ac.uk for further details.


International students cannot apply for Foundation Degrees.

Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email admission@beds.ac.uk

How to Apply

The full-time standard fee for a Foundation Degree for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £9,250. These are the full course fees covering each year of study.

Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email admission@beds.ac.uk

Application for this undergraduate course is direct to the ÌìÃÀ´«Ã½.

Please contact admission@beds.ac.uk for further details.


International students cannot apply for Foundation Degrees.

Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email admission@beds.ac.uk